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원광법학 제 35권 제1호 (2019.03.31)
원광법학 제 35권 제1호 (2019.03.31)

                                                                                               | 목 차 |


 ■ 연구논문
● 헌법상 근로의 의무에 대한 고찰 ························································ 홍석한 / 3
● 차입매수(LBO)와 배임죄 ······································································ 윤상민 / 27
● 노동법의 규범구조와 근로권과 노동3권의 관계 ······························· 이달휴 / 49
● 중국의 근로자파견제도의 문제점과 개선방안 ······················ 이희성·태현숙 / 73
● 인공지능 로봇의 형사책임과 형법의 ‘인격적 인간상’에 대한 고찰
················································································································ 윤영철 / 95
● 인체의 치료 및 진단 방법 특허 보호에 대한 연구
······················································································· 심미랑·최재식·윤여강 / 125
● 재건축에 관한 형사정책적 연구 ························································· 김재빈 / 151
● 언론과 인터넷상 사적사실공개로 인한
프라이버시권 침해에 관한 연구 ············································· 이형석·김정기 / 171
● 공정거래법상의 경쟁규제와 헌법상의 경제질서 ······························· 정연주 / 195
● 테러방지법상 테러개념에 관한 법제적 고찰 ···································· 백수웅 / 221
● 우리나라에 있어서 동성혼의 법적 수용에 관한 고찰 ····················· 신은주 / 239
● 정보주체 보호를 위한 사이버보험 의무 가입 필요성에 관한 연구
··································································································· 홍준호·강주영 / 267
● 민법 제363조와 그 관련규정들에 대한 검토 및 개정안 ················· 강태성 / 291

■ 특별논문 – 중국과 일본의 법제연구동향

● Research on the Coverage of Compulsory Liability Insurance
for Environmental Pollution ················································· Ou Yangdandan / 319
● 敵対的企業買収における取締役の義務・責任································ 李春女 / 355
● 日本における会社分割と債権者保護············································ 髙木康衣 / 377

■ 부록

■ Articles
● A Study on the Duty to Work in the Korean Constitution
··································································································Seokhan Hong / 3
● LBO and Breach of Trust ················································Yoon Sang Min / 27
● The normative structure of labor law and the relation between the right to
work and the labor’s three primary rights ····················Lee, Dahl Hugh / 49
● Problems and Improvements of the Dispatched Work system in Chinese
··································································Lee, Hee-Soung·TAI XIANSHU / 73
● A Study on Criminal Liability of Artificial Intelligence Robot and the
‘Human Character as Personality’ in Criminal Law
·························································································Yoon, Young Cheol / 95
● Study of patent protection to the methods of human treatment and
diagnosis ·····························Shim, Mirang·Choi·Jae-Sik·Yoon·Yuh-Gang / 125
● A Study on the Criminal Policy of Reconstruction
-Focusing on Construction Companies’ Crimes- ··············Kim, Jae Bin / 151
● A Study of Infringement on Privacy Rights Caused by Making Public a
Private Fact on the Press and the Internet
– Focusing on the Judgments in the Supreme Court of the United States
and the State Court – ·······················Lee, Hyeong-Seok·Kim, Jung-Ki / 171
● Competition Regulation of the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act
and Economic Order of the Constitution ···························· Jung, Yon-ju / 195
● “A Study on the Concept of Terror in “Terrorism Prevention Act”
······························································································Baek Su Woong / 221
● A Study on the Legislation in Same-Sex Marriage in Korea
··································································································Shin, Eun-Joo / 239
● A Study on the Necessity of Mandatory Cyber-Insurance to Protect Data
Subjects ·······················································Hong Jun Ho·Kang Ju Young / 267
● A Study and Amendment Proposals on the Korean Civil Act Article 363
and Rregulations Related This Article ························Kang, Tae-Seong / 291

■ Special Articles

● Research on the Coverage of Compulsory Liability Insurance
for Environmental Pollution ··············································Ou Yangdandan / 319
● Duties and Liabilities of Directors in The hostile takeover ·· Li Chunnv / 355
● Corporate splitting in Japan and protection of creditors
– focusing on abusing Company Split- ····························Takagi Yasue / 377