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원광법학 제 31권 제 2호 (2015.06.30)
원광법학 제 31권 제 2호 (2015.06.30)

원광법학 제 31권 제 2호 (2015.06.30)


第31卷 第2號

2015年 06月


목 차


◉연구논문 ◉

원활한 민사집행을 위한 중국의 집행조치김정애/ 7

물상보증인과 제3취득자 상호간 변제자대위 여부와 범위

– 대법원 2014. 12. 18. 선고 2011다50233 전원합의체 판결-조준현/ 35

자유주의, 민주주의 그리고 자유민주주의조한상/ 69

간접정범과 정범우위성에 관한 연구오정용/ 93

현행 즉결심판절차의 문제점과 개선방안김재덕 · 송광섭/ 113

上市公司红利分配行为的监管曹兴权/ 141


– 以环境责任公益诉讼为研究视角 -赵万一/ 163

家户视角下妇女土地权利保护制度的反思与重建耿 卓/ 179


◉특 집 ◉

论集体肖像的使用问题崔 峰/ 201

股份转让自由权的限制机制研究汪青松/ 213

应对气候变化REDD+机制 与中国森林法律制度的协调颜士鹏/ 229


◉부 록 ◉


第31卷 第2號

2015年 06月




◉ Articles ◉

Enforcement Measures for Effective Enforcement of Civil Judgments

in China Jin, Zhen-Ai/ 7

The Issue and Scope of Subrogation between the Surety

and the Third Acquisitor Cho, Joon-Hyun/ 35

Liberalism, Democracy, and Liberal-DemocracyCho, Han-Sang/ 69

A Study of Indirect Principal and Precedence

of PrincipalOh, Jung-Yong/ 93

The Problems and Remedies for the Current Proceedings

for Summary JudgmentsKim, Jae-Duk · Song, Kwang-Soub/ 113

The Supervision of Listed Company’s Profit

DistributionCao, Xingquan/ 141

The Judicial Application of Companies’ Social Responsibility

– a Perspective from Public Interest Litigation of Environmental

Responsibility -Zhao, Wanyi/ 163

Studies on the Protection of Woman’s Rural Land Rights from

the Perspective of HouseholdGeng, Zhuo / 179


◉ Special Articles ◉

The analysis of the group portrait right’s exercisingCui Feng/ 201

On the Restricted Mechanism of Stocks Transferring

RightWang Qing-Song/ 213

Coordination between REDD + mechanism and legal system

of China’s forestsYan Shipeng/ 229